Descubre cómo convertir una imagen en un juego utilizando inteligencia artificial de forma gratuita y cómo monetizarlo con Adsense 💰🔥

hace 10 meses

## Using Generative AI to Create a Game from an Image

Throughout this year, amazing things have been accomplished with Generative Artificial Intelligence. Recently, a mobile application game was created in minutes. Now, the process has become even easier, with the ability to create games from images.

### Converting an Image to Game Code

To create the game, the first step is to convert an image or drawing to code. HTML is the language used, allowing for the content and structure of the game. This process can be done for free using the Blackbox tool.

### Generating the Game Code

By uploading an image to Blackbox, the AI interprets the image and generates the HTML, CSS, and JS code needed for the game. The code can be previewed using Codepen.

### Customizing the Game

Blackbox allows for customization of the game. Changes such as adding a score counter can be requested, with the modified code then generated and added to the game.

### Uploading the Game to Hosting

To share or monetize the game online, it must be uploaded to a hosting platform. Tiny Host is used for free hosting, allowing for a link to be generated.

### Monetizing the Game with Google Adsense

One way to monetize the game is by adding Google Adsense ads to it. By creating an account and linking it to the game, ads can be placed strategically to generate income.

### Conclusion

Utilizing Generative AI to create games from images is a simple and innovative process. By taking advantage of these technologies, unique and successful creations can be achieved.


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